
2010-06-15 @ 08:44:53

Såg att det låg en liten award på min blogg från min kära Anna :) Detta innebar att jag skulle publicera den 10:e bilden som publicerats här på bloggen. Så jag grävde bakåt i arkiven och det roliga var att jag hittade denna bild:

Jag dubbelkollade och det var verkligen den 10:e bilden - Perfekt! Jag gillar verkligen den här bilden. Den är från Annas hejdå-middag i september 2008 och jag minns det som igår. Jag är så otrolig glad att jag träffat denna fina människa. Redan från början var det som vi känt varandra i en evighet och bilden är ju extra passande nu efter Sweden Rock där vi hade så grymt kul! Anna- med dig går tiden aldrig långsamt och jag saknar dig redan <3


Sweet dreams are made of this

2010-03-30 @ 12:13:40

Beach 2010

2010-03-30 @ 10:51:01
I stumbled across this design competition on nelly.se. So I designed this bikini in the hopes (yeah big hopes) of winning 20.000 sek to travel for :) Maybe Australia again? ;)
The bikini with the highest score wins, so.... *wink* :P
(click on image to vote)
Min designade bikini på NELLY.COM

Hjälp mig att vinna, rösta på min bikini här!

Give me your stars, darling

2010-03-28 @ 17:13:25

Last minute music competition - why not? :)) God, I need to get my recording studio to work again though. Until then- my camera. Haha. Better than nothing, right? ;)
I entered one of my latest songs, A Note.  

-->  http://www.metroonstage.com/artist/martina-weidenmo  <--

You're counting my thoughts

2010-03-02 @ 08:52:54

I could.
I probably should.
I want to?
Then I would.
Or would I?

Updates from a snowy winter wonderland

2010-02-22 @ 21:07:22

Yes, I'm probably the only person here in Gothenburg that loves the snow. I absofuckinglutely love the snow! 1 meter, 3 meters, doesn't matter. Bring it on! :) And now with the Winter Olympics on the TV, the weather outside my window is just perfect. Speaking about the winter olympics, isn't this hat just the coolest ever?? I waaaaant it!

Continuing with the winter feeling, I made the yummiest soft bread ever the other day! Thought I should share the recipe with you:

Lapplands Tunnbröd (You can make it vegan just by replacing the butter and the milk)
50 g smör
5 dl mjölk (eller solhavre som jag använde)
12 g jäst (1/4 aaav ett paket)
2 tsk salt
4 msk yogurt eller filmjölk
1.5 dl graham mjöl
0.5 tsk hjortronssalt
2dl rågsikt
ca 7 dl vetemjöl

  • Smält smöret och häll på mjölken. Låt bli fingervarmt, högst 37 grader.
  • Rör ut jästen med lite av vätskan och rör sen ihop allt utom vetemjölet. Arbeta in vetemjölet när allt det andra är väl blandat. Tillsätt filmjälken/yogurten.
  • Låt jäsa under duk ca 30 minuter.
  • Dela degen i 12 bullar. Kavla ut varje bulle till en tunn kaka, använd gärna kruskavel. Rulla upp på kaveln och rulla försiktigt ner i het torr stekpanna.
  • Stek på medelvärme ca 2 minuter på var sida. Passa på - ibland går det fortare, då får man sänka värmen.
  • Låt svalna på galler, lägg in i plast eller burk när de kallnat så det inte blir knäckebröd av dem. Går utmärkt att frysa.
  •  ***

     Aaaaand last but not least, guess what band's coming to Sweden???? AEROSMITH!!! O M G - Happiness!!
    They're coming to Sweden Rock Festival and I really hope I can go there with Anna. Totally dream coming true again!! This year is gonna be a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!! I get goosebumps just by looking at a picture of these living legends.

    Storytelling Geniuses

    2010-02-11 @ 12:45:41
    Paul Kelly - They Thought I was Asleep

    Kev Carmody - Thou Shalt Not Steal

    Du och jag mot världen

    2010-02-11 @ 07:53:22

    Get well soon now!

    The waiting is the hardest part

    2010-02-01 @ 09:26:57

    Flights booked.
    Plans to be planned.
    Bags to be packed (too early?).
    Dreams to be lived.
    March 8th - I'm on my way.

    If there's a will, there's a way

    2010-01-25 @ 01:01:41

    O M G ! I am going to New Zealand and Australia!!! I can't believe that my old dream is coming true. Tickets are not booked yet, though it's written with a golden ink pen in my calendar so it cannot be removed. Wiiiiiii :)I am beyond happy. Haven't stopped smiling yet. I can feel my cheeks hurting, but still, can't stop.

    So if the plan works out I'll be landing in Melbourne where I meet up my dear Iiiiiiida :) and then we'll spend a week in Australia. After that we'll fly over to New Zealand where I'll be spending another week. Aaaaahh, I so can't wait. I'll be posting details later. Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh... been jumping around all day. I got the idea last night and I must say; this is one of the most impulsive decisions I've ever made. And i love it!

    So, Ida and Martina down under.. kiwi and aussie for real! :D

    I am ready.

    What's it to you?

    2010-01-11 @ 21:31:40

    Freedom. One word. A word that means so much to us. A word that has been the fuel for many inspirational changes in our lives but also brought a lot of misery to this world. The definition of Freedom is something different to everyone which is probably the reason why it sometimes leads to conflicts.

    I've been thinking about what it means to me lately. To some, freedom is having money or graduating. To others, freedom is living on the countyside, traveling or having a job they like. What's freedom to you? Maybe it changes throughout your life. Bur right here, right now my own definition of freedom is being able to go anywhere.


    2009-12-21 @ 22:17:10

    But if I kiss you where it's sore
    If I kiss you where it's sore
    Will you feel better?
    Will you feel anything at all?


    2009-12-18 @ 22:42:35

    [Hello Perfect Stranger,
    did you know we already have a song?]

    Regina Spektor

    2009-12-18 @ 22:38:59

    As promised: Some pics from the concert. When the sound on my computer decides to come back I'll upload some videos too.

    Jenny Owen Youngs & Regina Spektor

    Latest ear candy

    2009-12-13 @ 13:33:22
    The Regina Spektor concert was beyond amazing! Also the supporting act, Jenny Owen Youngs rocked that night. Really funny girl! 3,5 hours of pure musical pleasure. Pictures and videos will be posted soon. Until then:

    Machine - this song was so powerful and cool live, way better than the recorded version, but unfortunately I didn't record it so here's a youtube one:

    Fuck was I - (excuse my french, but it's the title ;) This one's censored, but if you want the uncensored one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37Zn3cjNu58&feature=related

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