You and Me
I fall, I fly
I'm low I'm high.
I dream, I long
I sing a song.
I face I run
I'm moon, I'm sun.
I'm brave, I'm shy
I fail, I try.
I crash, I burn
I live, I learn.
I'm "bye, I'm "hey
I'm here, I sway.
I sin, I pray
I'm night, I'm day.
I'm cold, I'm warm
I'm whole, I'm torn.
I'm scared, I'm brave
I'm lost, I'm saved.
I'm awake, I'm asleep
I'm shallow, I'm deep.
I'm gone, I'm found
I'm free, I'm bound.
I cry, I laugh
I'm one, I'm half.
I'm chained, I'm free
I'm you and me.