You know what?
How immature am I?
Some things I've learnt about people
First impressions are very misleading, a person who you don't like at first might turn out as a new friend. AND vice versa.
Some people will do anything to make themselves feel better, usually by making others feel worse than themselves.
By saying 'no' more than 'yes' you'll be surrounded by the true friends. The others will leave with the 'no'.
The conversations with strangers are sometimes the most interesting ones.
Sometimes you come across a person that you feel has been in your life since the beginning of time, even though you just met.
There are some people that you see very rarely, but when you do, it's as if no time has passed at all.
There are connections that you feel go deep into your soul, beyond time and existance.
Prejudice is the most unflattering hat you can wear.
The Story of 01742
A new chapter is coming ahead
This is the story of where it lead
Take my hand as we walk down this road
Starting at the 01742 zip code
The fading leaves has begun to turn
To give the season one last burn
Where a musky scent grows heavy in nose
My hair flies wildly as the cold wind blows
That was my first impression of you
How you widened out my focused view
Filling up from head to toe
A slow fire, that’s how you grow
The flakes come flying from above
My thoughts wander to what I can’t think of
An ocean between my past and my now
Is sailing me further away somehow
How to retain my thoughts in rows
When the fire is freezing under layers of clothes
Waiting in New York for the bell to ring
I fish for the hope that will come with spring
That was my first impression of you
How you widened out my focused view
Filling up from head to toe
A slow fire, that’s how you grow
The sun moves to the northern hemisphere
To light the trees that are yet so bare
I escape the daze for the Californian sun
With dearest of friendship through days of fun
Fulfilling dreams warms up the heart
Remembering the reason why I did depart
Once back in town with strength refilled
Planning the future I now shall build
That was my first impression of you
How you widened out my focused view
Filling up from head to toe
A slow fire, that’s how you grow
Fresh new start with lighter hair
I travel to find pieces of me everywhere
Family in Connecticut, friend in Maryland
The beauty of New Hampshire’s uneven land
The music in Tennessee and Florida’s ocean wide
Walking up Grand Canyon filled with pride
A snapshot of a wonder from the Niagara Falls
But Boston I still love you the most of all
That was my last impression of you
My home, my heart, my magnet, my glue
Filling up from head to toe
A pleasant peace, that’s when you're home
Go Taylor, it's your birthday