Sweet dreams are made of this

Beach 2010

I stumbled across this design competition on nelly.se. So I designed this bikini in the hopes (yeah big hopes) of winning 20.000 sek to travel for :) Maybe Australia again? ;)
The bikini with the highest score wins, so.... *wink* :P
(click on image to vote)
Min designade bikini på NELLY.COM

Hjälp mig att vinna, rösta på min bikini här!

Give me your stars, darling

Last minute music competition - why not? :)) God, I need to get my recording studio to work again though. Until then- my camera. Haha. Better than nothing, right? ;)
I entered one of my latest songs, A Note.  

-->  http://www.metroonstage.com/artist/martina-weidenmo  <--

You're counting my thoughts

I could.
I probably should.
I want to?
Then I would.
Or would I?

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