Piece of cake

Alright, after some complaining from some people about how haaard it is to find the video from UKM on youtube, I'll post it here. So, there you go, happy? Thihi (Ps... looove the tattoo guy ;-P)

Hey there baby, I could use just a little help

You can't start a fire, you can't start a fire without a spark
This gun's for hire
Even if we're just dancing in the dark

It's Friday and you feel it

Working nine to five seven to six. Pah, it was a long day.

Lyrics of the day 05.25.09

Would you face these eyes of honesty 'til there's no one there?
Would you stay behind these bars of truth, tell me - do you dare?
(I'm on the run)


I have a feeling I'm not gonna like this week... Working 7 days in a row :/ (plus the 3 days I just worked) Dubble :( :(
Alright, enough with the complaining. Just needed to think out loud.
Can't wait for next Monday.

Finland : check

Got back from Finland. It was awesome! (And the boat didn't sink). Helsinki was pretty nice, a lot of pretty buildings :) But meeting everyone again was the best part ♥

Next: Finland

Whoho, my little mini vacation is coming up. Tomorrow I'm taking the bus up to my dad and my brother and then on Tuesday we'll drive up to Stockholm where we meet up with my other relatives :) And then we get onboard on the way to Finland. Wii, I can't wait! But I must admit I'm a bit scared as well. I have this thing with boats. I love boats but at the same time I'm so scared they're gonna sink. Like Titanic II... But no, that's not gonna happen. It'll be awesome, and I'm gonna see if I can pick up some finnish. That would be cool.

Out and goodnight ♥

What I love

Finally a weekend off! This weekend is solely dedicated to songwriting. I can't remember when that happened the last time. A whole day for just that. But it's wierd, it's harder witing when it's scheduled. It's so much easier when my room is a complete mess and I have a ton of things on my to-do-list, and when I'm awfully tired from work. Tha'ts when I just spit out a song in 15 minutes. Why is that? It's like my creativity prefers coming from a stressful mess. It's always when I really don't have time to write down some songs, the words just comes popping up in my head. I can't control it. And the more I want it to stop, the more it continues. I can't even count all the nights when I really needed the sleep to be able to get up in the mornig, and all these words and melodies pop into my head. Haha... But I like it though. It's an amazing feeling when you've just finnished writing a song. Right now, I'm almost done with one, just one phrase that needs some work and one melody for the stick. Then I'm done, finito. Then I just have about 40 other songs I gotta finnish (not kidding). But the ones I wrote when I was like 14-15, I don't really put that much effort into. But today I found a song written when I was 16, and I really fell in love with it again after playing it on my guitar. It's pretty cool how you still can relate to something you wrote 4 years ago. Or maybe it's sad, I don't know. You choose.

Tonight it's Eurovision Song Contest 2009. I probably won't really sit down and watch it, but I'll keep the TV on in the background. Maybe on mute. Don't really like the songs this year. And I don't really believe that much in Malena. I mean, sure, she's a great artist, but the song...? I don't know. Everyone likes the song from Norway. Am I the only who doesn't even remember how it goes after listening to it maybe 5 times?

Mumin fever

I got so nostalgic and found this on youtube :) (I just love the finnish accent! )
Hahaha.... norweigan!!! Fast forward to 4,46 :)
Lilla My: Vad är det du gör här ute mumintrolle?
Mumin: "Vad jag gör... här ute sa du att... Jag skulle gå för att se vem det var men så kom du susde over mig som den renaste tornadon" XD
(But the end of the clip is scary, I still think it is.. )


Five days from today all my relatives on my dad's side and I will be on our way to our dear eastern neighbour : Finland :) I really can't wait! Even though it's so close to Sweden, I've never been there.I remember when I was younger I so wanted to go there, to Muuuuumin :) Yep, it's the "mumin country" ;)  And also spending time with almost all of my relatives is something I'm truly looking forward to. I don't get to see them that often. At least not as often as I want to. So five days, Finland, then we're coming! :)

Mumintrollet                     Lilla My                Snorkföken                 Sniff         

I was so into the tv show Mumindalen when I was little.  I watched it all the time. I remember my mom always calling me 'Lilla My' (Little My) whenever I was in a bad mood, well, she still does actually.  Cause the character Lilla My is pretty much in a bad mood all the time. And I guess I wore my hair up like that too. Well, actually, I still do sometimes...Haha.. she's had great influence on me ;)

New Color

Yep, today I went back to being blonde. Feels so nice with a change. I decided to do it yesterday and today I was lucky enough to get an appointment the same day. I got a really great hair dresser and I really enjoy having a lighter more summer-ish color :)

                         Before                                                           After

Turn the page

I'm so amazed by how music can be linked to a certain time of your life. Like, when you hear that song, it immediately takes you back to a certain moment in your past. It's both good and bad, I guess. Right now there's not that much music in my iTunes library that I can listen to. Tragic, actually. But it just gets to that point where you gotta stop torturing yourself with those songs. So I bought some new music to my ipod, free from memories, to start over.
A fresh, new start.

[bild från google.se]

Through a fresh pair of eyes

sunny                            nerd
smart                          me                                 


My thoughts are overpopulating my head.
I need a walk. Or shopping.
Or both.

Ray of sunshine

This is what I looked like when I woke up this morning. And it lasted the whole day.

(Bild från google.se)
You should be happy if you didn't see me today.
Think I'm going to bed now, hopefully it's gone tomorrow.


I'm having my well deserved day off today. Been working way too many days in a row now. I've almost forgotten how to have a day off. What to do? Don't really remember what it was like. I've been organizing my room a little, putting up some new curtains, fxing collapsed drawer and thrown away some old clothes. Out with the old, and in with the new.

Ida's been here for a couple of days too :) Fun, fun fun! It was so nice having her as a support at the UKM. The whole competition day was quite chaotic actually. First, I was told I couldn't compete since I don't live in Gothenburg but I could still perform, so that was fine. But then we couldn't find a piano or synth... which is kinda vital for my song.. hehe. So that kept my mind busy for some hours. One minute we had a piano, the next minute we didn't. But then right before I was gonna play, the synth band performing after me came with their synth. It only had one piano-ish sound. So the first time I acually heard it was on stage. But it turned out pretty good anyway. And all the nervousness was just washed away once I started singing. I loved it. Afterwards I wanted to do it agan and again and again.

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