
I saw the movie Mammoth today. It was really awesome! Dad picked me up right after work and after some yummie indian food we rushed to the movie theater. The place was jammed! I mean, gosh. We were gonna watch Australia but it was sold out, just like all the other 14 (or something) movies. Our only option was Mammoth, with only 8 seats left. All of them seperate. So dad and I sat 2 rows apart and at the opposite end... haha. Good excuse to not share a popcorn! I just got my own :) Anyway, the movie was great.  I really recomend it. I had heard that it was a good one, but didn't really know that much about it. I wasn't prepared for it to be so emotional and in-your-face. Luckily, I sat right between two older ladies who, like me, eventually couldn't fight back the tears. So I didn't feel that much of a wimp.. Anyways, see it!

And don't miss Gael García Bernal.  Although he changed to became kind of an @$$hole in the movie, he sure is something to look at :P

My favourite lines:
- I was married to my first husband for 7 years, and the second husband for 12 years...
- What about your third one?
- Well, he's not born yet. And he's mother is dead.

What day is it again?

Work, eat, sleep - repeat

Work, eat, sleep - repeat

Work, eat, sleep - repeat

Australia Dreamin'

So... It's been a while. I've just been busy, same old, same old ;) The days have just been passing by so quickly, I can't believe it's almost Feburary! I mean, come on!  What happened with January? I've been home for almost three months now. In one way it feels like much longer, but at the same time it feels just like yesterday I looked out the window and silently wispered 'bye Boston'. I think I'll never really figure out the mystery of time

I can really feel it crawling down my toes and throughout my fingertips. I need to go somewhere, soon. I'm kinda torn right now. I know how much money I need to earn before even thinking about American Academy of Dramatic Arts, but still I can't help it but thinking about travelling first. Wouldn't that make sense? Travel some and experience things before really putting your soul into something. Or am I being unrealistic? Wouldn't be the first time... I'm really can't wait to move to LA and start studying but I also really long to go to Australia. And I'm going to! In one way or the other. Right now I'm looking into becoming a travel guide down there with the travel agency Ving. Wich is actually possible. The salary is really nothing, almost worse than the au pair pay, I think. But I really want the accommodation to be taken care of and payed for, cause that helps a lot. So if anyone knows anything about this, either traveling guides, other job options or just anyting related to Australia - let me know, okay? :)

Love is my drug, is my medicine
Stay with me honey, stay with me honey, stay with me


I was just challenged by Anna - to do this test.

My 4 favorite TV shows right now:

  • Life 
  • Without a Trace 
  • Sex and the City
  • Top Model

4 things I did yesterday:

  • Worked
  • Had a really great day 
  • Watched Let's Dance 
  • Wrote a jazz inspired song

4 things I look forward to:

  • Visiting my friend in Austria 
  • London with Ida
  • Greece
  • Starting guitar lessons

4 of my favorite restaurants:

  • παράδεισος
  • Sierras
  • EAT
  • Paparazzi

4 things on my wishlist:

  • Getting accepted to American Academy of Dramatic Arts
  • Tickets to Aerosmith
  • Backpacking in Australia
  • An Urban Outfitters store right next door

4 persons I challenge:


So that I do remember to never go that far, could you leave me with a scar?


i miss urban outfitters

vill ha dessa, nu!

The Wombats

Is it just me, or are these the cutest animals on earth?

On a diet

Well, not that  kind of diet. After a visit at Mr. Doctor's I got the news that I have to eat gluten free food for 2 weeks, since she suspects I might suffer from gluten intolerance. Great. So, no pasta, bulgur, pancakes, cookies, cake, normal bread etc...What am I gonna eat? I'm probably gonna starve to death since I don't eat meat, except for fish. And the fake meat I usually eat contains gluten. Joy, fish for 2 weeks! Why didn't anyone invent food for vegeterians with gluten intolerance?

So, we're off to the grocery store to buy stuff I can eat now. I have a feeling I'm not gonna be happy about it :/ Ahh, I just remembered I've got Ben & Jerry Ice cream in the freezer(!) Who's gonna eat that? Oh man. I don't know if I can do this... But according to a friend, chocolate does not contain gluten! Wehoo :) Fish and chocolate for 14 days...

Why do these all of a sudden look so good?

Video of the Day 01.11.09

After many tries and a lot of battery charging, I finally managed to get a somewhat decent version of the song :)


So tell my love, I'm leaving
Gotta find something to believe in


Back to where I was

Last night I came back from a weekend of fun in Skara. Gosh, I've missed that place! When Ida and I was walking those familiar streets, it felt just like back in the days. We went to our old school, and seriously, I'd do anything to have those year back. Miss them terribly.

Sowe spent almost the whole Friday being nostalic. Right from the moment I stepped out from the bus I smelled Skara (Scan) and it all just came back. The images, memories, everything... We also went to Systembolaget and found some Australian white wine that we just had to buy! I prefer red, but since Ida hates red wine we went with the white one. It wasn't that bad, I kinda liked it. But it was probably just because where it was originated ;) Then Josse and Therese came and talked some old memories with us. So nice! We also had the time to make a superfast visit to Olins, but the place was practically empty, so we left in the doorway.

Saturday was also really nice, I went with Ida to her theater rehersal. Oh, how I miss acting. It was really fun watching them rehearse. Later that day dad came and we went to a cafe for some vanilla rolls :P Yumm. Really awesome weekend. Ida, I wished you lived closer...Bummer. Anyway, now I'm back home renovating the kitchen. Fun. Or not. The whole apartment's a mess right now. Can't wait for it to be done.


Ozzie, ozzie, ozzie :P

Yes Man!

Just got home from the movies. We saw Yes Man. Haha.. such a funny movie :) Not deep or anything, just plain funny! So I can definitely recomend it. I'm usually not a big fan of Jim Carrey but I liked him in this one. And also, luck was on my side today... Right after the commercials, when it's supposed to get dark in there, they turned on the light and a guy with 2 dvd's in is hands came right in front of the screen. I was like " Great, now the movie doesn't work and he's gonna ask us which one of those movies we wanted to watch instead,,,," But then he said that he had a little late christmas gift.... He was gonna give away two movies. So asked the person who sat on row 4 and seat 40 to stand up...That was me!  Can't believe I actually won something :) It was Die Hard 4 :)) Oh-la-la Bruce Willis! Gonna watch it tomorrow :)

And on Friday I got some nice plans :) Gonna take the bus up to Skara and see Ida and Josse, and hopefully Therese too :) That's gonna be so much fun! We've got alot to catch up on. Both when it comes to hanging out and to go out dancing :P

Alrighty, Good night

It's a plan!

In about 3 months I'm sitting on a plane down to Austria to meet my dear friend Martina :)) We've finally decided when and where. It took us a while, if I may say so ;) But I guess that's what happens when you let two very indecisive girls make a decision. Haha. But now it's a plan. Gotta book tickets first. Oh, I can't wait!!! Missed you so much <3

Lost my beat

Someday I'll look back and remember
How we danced our way through September
No yesteday, no tomorrow
Only careless smiles without sorrow.

Now, I gaze up at the moon
I hear the whisltes, they're out of tune
Running and aching through my mind
Everytime I'm even close to rewind

Both of us afraid, of loving too much
Hesitantly held back, but longed the touch
There is no music, I lost my beat
Following your footprints as you left my street.

The sun rose again but my beat is still gone
Went down the drain of the morning yawn
It used to race my heart when you'd be around
Now it's gone, I hear no sound

In every crowd I see your face
It's like you're gone but left a trace
When I'm awake I cannot see
But as I close my eyes, you're haunting me

Well, someday came and I remember when
So I searched my purse to find a pen
Wrote down some words with ink dark blue
"I think you know I lost my beat to you"


Today I went to the grocery store, among other places, and guess what I found...2 shelves of american yummie stuff, right next to the thai food section! Two shelves, TWO! I almost started to cry. They had marshmallow fluff, oreos, mac&cheese etc. Even the reese peanut butter cups got me all excited, even though I hate them (and I'm allergic to them). I remember I almost reacted the same way when I for the first time saw swedish gingerbread at the grocery store in Concord. Ahh... I'm just so thrilled to see when these 2 shelves are gonna turn into 3, and 4 and 5... And then when I went to the regrister I passed the Ben & Jerry freezer, whoho :) Is Sweden getting americanized or what? Well, I don't mind. But something I do mind is the price. At White Hen Pantry (grocery store in Concord) you could get 2 Ben & Jerry ice cream for  5 dollars. Here; 7 dollars... for one. So let's say I don't eat it everyday... Although I wish I could :P And I also found this really yummie looking flavaor of Ben & Jerrys, Baked Alaska. It has vanilla ice cream, marshmallow swirls and white chocolatey polar bears. Yumm!


A new year. A blank sheet of paper, ready to be written on (and colored on). There are so many firsts. Isn't it just wonderful? I have a feeling it's gonna be a great year. Last year sure was one of the best ones in my life. So it will be hard to top that. I fulfilled so many dreams and I must say that there is no greater feeling than making an old dream come true.

I wonder what this year's gonna bring. I can't wait to find out! Hmm... and the new year's resolutions...nah, haven't had any in a couple of years so I guess I won't make any this year either. Instead I'm gonna write a list of goals for this year. That's what I've done the last 2 or 3 years, and it feels so good to, at the end of the year, see how many goals you actually reached. So screw the new year's resolutions, they never last longer than until February anyway. Make a list of goals!
Anyway, Happy 2009 Everyone! Let's not make it suck ;)

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