Yes Man!

Just got home from the movies. We saw Yes Man. Haha.. such a funny movie :) Not deep or anything, just plain funny! So I can definitely recomend it. I'm usually not a big fan of Jim Carrey but I liked him in this one. And also, luck was on my side today... Right after the commercials, when it's supposed to get dark in there, they turned on the light and a guy with 2 dvd's in is hands came right in front of the screen. I was like " Great, now the movie doesn't work and he's gonna ask us which one of those movies we wanted to watch instead,,,," But then he said that he had a little late christmas gift.... He was gonna give away two movies. So asked the person who sat on row 4 and seat 40 to stand up...That was me!  Can't believe I actually won something :) It was Die Hard 4 :)) Oh-la-la Bruce Willis! Gonna watch it tomorrow :)

And on Friday I got some nice plans :) Gonna take the bus up to Skara and see Ida and Josse, and hopefully Therese too :) That's gonna be so much fun! We've got alot to catch up on. Both when it comes to hanging out and to go out dancing :P

Alrighty, Good night


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