What the heck?

Vad hände igår egentligen? Har jag drömt alltihop eller vann verkligen operalåten?! Hm... undra hur det kommer att gå med den i ESC i Moskva (stavas det så?)... Men men, inte för att det gått nått vidare bra för Sverige de senaste åren ändå. Fast jag hade väl egentligen hoppats på Alcazar :) Men jag har skivan, så jag får väl trycka på repeat och låtsas att dom vann.

Yea, take it

Take another little piece of my heart now baby

Reasons to celebrate

1. It's the International Women's Day today!

2. I got my drivers license exactly two years ago

3. I went to an amazing concert :)

Such an amazing live voice! (Jill Johnson)

Video/Song of the Day 09.02.22

Love this song!

Lenka - The Show

Video of the Day 01.11.09

After many tries and a lot of battery charging, I finally managed to get a somewhat decent version of the song :)

Happy New Year (Video of the Day 12.30.08)

ABBA - Happy New Year

Song of The Day 12.26.08

Joshua Radin and Ingrid Michaelson - Sky

Video of the day 12.09.08

Hey everyone. Just though I might share this video with you. It's one of all the videos Ida and I recorded while she was here visiting 2 weeks ago. It's nothing great, so don't expect that. Just for fun lol. It's a little bit off key sometimes and I screw it up with the piano every now and then. Deal with it. Haha. Anyway, enjoy!

Mad World

Song of the Day/Video of the Day

I've been humming on this song the whole day (and a many other days... ;) Can't get enough of it!

Kings of Leon - On call

And the video is really neat. Loooove Jared Followill, the bass player <3 Also check out the drummer...hehehe gotta love him ;) I don't know why he reminds me of the guy in the comic video "Shoes" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCF3ywukQYA) Check out this video too, it's super weird and hilarious!

Song of the Day

Ida and I have been singing this song many times this weekend and it's really stuck in my head :) Enjoy!

A Fine Frenzy - Almost Lover

THE song (!)

Finally. Today I found the song I've been looking for since July. I first heard it while shopping at Forever 21. I immidietly fell in love with it, so I asked a woman who worked there if she knew the name of it, she had no clue. Next time I was in there I heard it again, so I wrote down what I could distiguish from the lyrics (which was not a lot), tried to google it, but didn't find it. Then today it was featured on a tv show. I'm gonna try to upload it, but until then :

Santogold - L.E.S Artistes

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