The very first snow

There's something beautifuly magical about the first snow. Today was one of those days when everything starts out like crap, you know, when you're asking yourself 'Oh, is this gonna be one of those days, those days when nothing goes right?'. To save you the boring details of what 'crap' was, I'll cut to the chase. After some mental breakdowns I went to the piano for some peace of mind and after a couple of songs I saw something familiar in the corner of my eye. Snow. It was snowing! I felt like a kid again. This makes me wonder, will I ever grow out of getting so ridiculously happy about the first white snowflakes? Probably not. Isn't it strange how something so simple can make you forget about all the bad stuff for a while? I love it!

This is the time of year when I fall in love. This is my spring. I know I'm completely weird and about 6 months off or so, but I can't help it. It's always been like this. It starts out in September when you start putting on knitted sweaters, lighting candles, the leaves are falling, fire places etc. And then it just gets worse, and when the snow's here: I'm head over heals in love. With everything and everyone. I think I've only met one person in my whole life who also falls in love about a half year later everyone else. One. If you're another one, let me know! And I'll have someone to share this disorder with :)

In one month it's Christmas :) I have some unusual plans for this Christmas, I'll let you know when it's all figured out.

Song of the day:
Thriving Ivory - Angels on the moon


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